Listen to BBR -- yes that's right: Beachmere Blog Radio
Among my many online adventures I mastered the oral art of audio. I won't bore you with the tech details but suffice to say, it's very do-able to run audio as part of this internet enterprise.
So rather than READ stuff here you could LISTEN as well.
The ADVANTAGE of recording audio for broadcasting here is that I can add to the voices shared online. There are so many benefits in fronting up to folks and shoving a microphone in in their faces and getting them to talk.
Yakety yak....
I'm not talking about 'a' radio station --as in a building -- or music playlists -- or community radio -- or transmitters -- or 24 hour programming... I'm talking about audio snippets you can play online as it suits you.
Just click and play. Here's a 7 second sample:

Just like a YouTube video but without the images and with a much smaller file size(so it won't strain your slow internet connection because there is a HUGE difference in the size!). I'll also install a pop-up player here for the 'station '.
The point is that if you are out and about town and a gentleman in a pork pie hat accosts you and waves a stubby contraption under your nose he isn't collecting for the Red Cross he's asking for your POV.
Beachmere paparachi.