MoretonAlert: Be warned/be informed

The bank of thunderstorms whose cells passed to our south yesterday, serve to remind us that 'storm season' is coming our way soon.

Already the 'fire season' has begun. Then as we come into the new year -- storms will give way to cyclonic type events. 
We only have to recall the disaster of May 1st in our area to recognize what we can be up against.
Yesterday's first bank of storm cells activated the Moreton Alert network.
MoretonAlert is a free SMS, email and voice notification system to provide severe weather warnings, bushfire warning messages, prescribed burn notifications, potential flash flooding incidents and planned dam releases within our region.
MoretonAlert is the best thing you can do now in the face of the conditions to come.

Sign Up now. It is easy.


In partnership with the MBRC a locally sourced Disaster Management Plan is being drafted for Beachmere. Once the draft is available for scrutiny, the community will be able to adjust and improve it to suit our collective needs before using it to resource our actions in times of any pending or possible disaster.

Obviously generating communication protocols is a key element in that and that's also why you need to sign up to MoretonAlert because the warnings on that notification network can be area specific.

We can work to put in place a reliable hub that can not only serve to protect and inform  the community, but make the intervention of the firies, SES, police and the like easier. 

But first: let's all get on the same page -- sign up to MoretonAlert now.It will take less than  5 minutes to do so.