Community Gardening in Beachmere: Beachmere State School is where it's all happening!
Beachmere State School Vegetable Garden:April 2015
A local community gardening project is now a reality.
We're trying to develop an ongoing partnership between Beachmere State School and the broader community to support the school vegetable garden. The school, especially though the P&C, has committed significant resources to the patch.
Inputs have been generous and the children are very keen. Gardening time growing fresh vegetables is being integrated into the school program. The Deception Bay Mens' Shed is building a chook house for soon-to-arrive poultry; and we begin next term with a major plant out of seedlings.
Working with teachers and ground staff, Denise King -- a trained horticulturalist and Beachmere local -- is advising on garden design and planting calendar.
When next term begins -- from April 20th -- the plan is to hit the dirt running...and digging. The beds are to be planted out. Children organized. Green thumbs working...
But to make this work we need volunteers.
Whether you are an at-home gardener, would-be gardener or just want to help out the local community -- this project needs hands-on input. There can be up to 30 children working in the garden at any one time and these kids are sure to get more out of their gardening experience if there are adults showing them and helping out.
Gardening is many tasks...and it is a novel experience for many children.That's where the broader community comes in.
This project is about gardening. Gardeners gardening together. Gardening so that children learn more about the food they eat. Gardening as a team exercise to support our community through effort invested in its children...
And there's more...
If we can create a sustainable gardening partnership with Beachmere's children -- one that enriches their nutrition and experience of life, both their own and the natural world's -- broader prospects are also possible in way of generating a ongoing community garden out of this relationship.
As a total package this is really exciting...
When school term begins there will be a working bee that week as well as daily plant outs. So if you are available any morning for the first few days of that first week we want you on board.
However, any volunteer must follow school protocol and register through the school's induction process. When you turn up to the school you'll need to fill in some forms and abide by regulations governing volunteers.Do the paper work...and then come over to the garden if events are on.
If you are keen to participate in this exciting project you can either :
- turn up for the working bee (I'll share the date here on BB as soon as details are available) -- after first visiting the school office to register--
- or you can flag you enthusiasm by contacting me (Dave Riley) at (phone) 33331805 or (email)
- or contact the school directly, saying you'd like to be a volunteer.