Bushcare in Beachmere.

MBRC Bushcare Logo
Moreton Bay Regional Council runs a Bushcare program that facilities many bushcare groups across the region. 
Chris McCarthy  runs the program our end for the MBRC and within our patch the folk along Bayside Drive have been bushcare savvy for some time. ..and any stroll along (what I call) Swan Lake will show.

You can support  Bayside Drive Bushcare at their monthly activity sessions. Billy tea on tap.:
8am-10am: First Sunday of each month.

Since the Bayside bush-caring has been so successful, maybe we, as a community,  should look to taking on some other local patches like the Environment Park on Bishop Rd and the wetlands at the mouth of the river (that's the swampland beyond the dog park) as part of the same program? The river mouth vegetation is increasingly degraded with weed infestation, and folk are trying to get navigation in the Conservation Park  improved with a better walking track.

I'll bring it up at the next BANG meeting but if anyone is keen...stay tuned or flag your interest (and passion). I'd guess any one bush patch would warrant its own volunteer core.

Bushcare Activities include:
  • Plant & weed identification
  • Encouraging natural regeneration
  • Tree planting
  • Mulching
  • Weeding
  • Habitat creation
The schedule is decided by the groups themselves and the key impetus rests with the local organizer of the volunteers.Ecological assessment  is determined by the  council's environment officers.  So if you have an ecological fervor for Wallum and such..and can see that we  have to work a lot harder preserving and protecting the stands that remain, then you are being called up.