Beachmere Area Network Group : a shared local voice

To the plethora of community orgs in town, over the last year has been added BANG: Beachmere Area Network Group (link on facebook).

BANG came together to facilitate greater co-ordination within the community by drawing  on the energy of already existing groups and establishing  a shared perspective. 

BANG's goal :
is to provide a shared voice for individuals, community groups and businesses in the Beachmere area.
With non-aligned folks also signing on, the network has been actively working through a series of projects to improve the local community.

'Projects' are tackled either as either activities BANG initiates, or as partnerships or as enterprises that are supported and  resourced.

The recent local leg of Clean Up Australia Day, for instance, was organised through BANG. Furthermore the group has been working on some other projects which have variously proceeded:
  • Creating welcome and information packs for folk moving into and new to Beachmere. A local map, almanac of services and such.
  • A conveniently located Community Notice Board 
  • Supporting Club Beachmere's initiative to set up a community hub and information centre hopefully with computer and most of week access.
  • Decorate the Water Tower with a mural reflective of the community's spirit.
  • Create and resource a Mens Shed and craft area .
  • Support the rehabilitation of the Conservation Park and the building of a walkway/bikeway through its bush.
  • Establish an annual tidal flats fun run and walk.
  • Sponsor and engineer locally based job creation initiatives and  training.

As well, BANG has been trying to monitor the rezoning dispute and improve and clarify the community's response to adverse weather conditions. Other topics discussed by BANG have been a community garden, local transport needs, and the improvement of Beachmere Rd.

So there's a lot happening. 

Now, the Beachmere Area Network Group is formalising its existence with an inaugural meeting  to elect office bearers  and establish a working committee of management: that meeting is next Tuesday, March 17th, 7pm Club Beachmere. You are keenly invited to come on board.

The next meeting of BANG - Beachmere Area Network Group will be held next Tuesday March 17th at 7 pm at Club Beachmere. We are hoping to form an incorporated body so that we can apply for grants etc and get moving on some of our projects. We will be looking for folk who are prepared to put their hands up to be on our board - president, vice president, secretary (happy to have official secretary for correspondence and someone else to do minutes), treasurer, and around 4 other board members. We need you to get this going. The group is NOT about one specific group at Beachmere - we are hoping that we get representatives of many groups in the area so that we can all work together to make this magic place more liveable.
There will be no meals at the Club, but you will be able to buy a drink or two. Meetings usually only go for an hour.
If you need any information contact Frank Harvey on 0499 290 119 or Di Hill on 0411 099 848. If you are unable to attend the meeting but willing to work on the committee can you let either of us know please?