Yellow-tailed black cockatoo

These magnificent birds (the size of a small cat) visit every year in small flocks to feed on the local Silky Oaks and Banksias.This year they have stayed longer than their norm. The main flocks are located in the Glass House Mtns and along the Mary River valley where their menu preference is River SheOaks.

I've planted with their visits in mind and these two occupied the Coastal Banksia on our nature strip for a casual feed -- occasionally emitting their screechy, back-of-the-throat, call.
Messy feeders, they make short work of any pods or seeds, stripping off their diner in their claws then shredding it in their beaks.

With their black bodies, dragon-like beating wings in flight mode and exotic screech they always seem other-worldy to me. Harbingers of your chosen omen.