Ex Tropical Cyclone Oswald Comes Ashore at Beachmere
Ex Tropical Cyclone Oswald came down the Queensland coast and in the northern sections of Moreton Bay pushed high tides inland in a surge driven by 40 knot winds to inundate homes in its path.
This video captured the experience of that tidal surge at Beachmere on January 27th.
Now I know what a storm tide looks like under conditions of a 2.4 m high tide driven ashore by a cyclonic style depression and 40 knot gusts. In these days of Global Warming and Sea Rise these things are of more than passing interest. It's also very social -- watching such a tide come ashore. It's community thrill and concern. It breeds traffic jams, and every 5 minutes something new happens as the fluidy onrush consolidates and the water rinses your feet before rising above your ankles.